Top 5 ISVs to Meet at Acumatica Summit!

Brought to You by the After Welcome Reception Exclusive Party Sponsors


Attend the Webinar and the After Welcome Reception Exclusive Party for a Chance to Win $500 

Webinar Date:  Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Time:  11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

Join us and our co-sponsor friends for this webinar to be entered to win $500 at the After Welcome Reception Exclusive Party. The winner must be present for the entire webinar and present at the party to win the $500 cash prize.

During the webinar, we will review the following:

    • A short preview of 5 party sponsors' integrated enhancements to Acumatica, sponsors include:
      1. Avalara - Tax Compliance Automation
      2. AvidXchange - AP Automation
      3. Paya - Integrated Payments
      4. Venn Technology - Integration Automation
      5. Workforce GO! - Human resource automation
    • How to register for the After Welcome Reception party
      1. How to win $500 at the After Welcome Reception Exclusive Party 
      2. Directions from the Wynn to the After Welcome Reception Exclusive Party
      3. Must be on the exclusive list to attend (attend the webinar to learn how to get on the list)
    • How to enter the Passport giveaway game to win prizes
    • Top 5 things to do at Acumatica Summit

We look forward to "seeing" at the webinar on January 17th!

Webinar attendees will learn more about the After Party and have a chance to win a $500 cash drawing!!