ERP Consultant Long Island, New England and Connecticut
Premier ERP Consultant Serving Long Island, New England, Connecticut
Why clients choose Computer Management ERP consultant services
Computer Management (CMS) is a leading provider of ERP consultanting servicing Long Island, the entire state of Connecticut and New England. We can help you to improve the quality, profitability and efficiency of your operations through the effective deployment of our business management solutions.
We have over 35 years of experience in Wholesale Distribution, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Logistics, Sales and Marketing, and Finance.
Computer Management is your solutions resource for:
- Accounting / Finance
- Wholesale Distribution
- Manufacturing: Make to Order
- Manufacturing: Make to Stock
- Temporary & Permanent Staffing
- Marinas & Boatyards
- Beer, Wine, & Spirits
Whether it’s improving your supply chain, forecasting inventory, accessing financials or meeting customer and sales force demands, CMS and Sage 100 ERP can guide you in providing the resources you NEED to excel.
What clients say about Computer Management ERP consultant services:
"Implementing Sage 100 and Staffing Link 360 has enabled Berks and Beyond to be more profitable as a result of increased productivity and efficiency. The time we are now saving allows us to be more focused on the clients and on being a leader in the staffing industry." - Berks and Beyond
“With the help of Computer Management Services we’ve saved over $100,000 per year as a result of implementing our new systems” - Pyramid Technologies
“As a company, we have been able to in-crease our sales by 20% this year with no additional hires. I would attribute a good part of that to a more effective system that makes it easier to understand our upcoming workload and also gives us critical information in real time that was previously unattainable in our old system.” - L’Image, Inc
“We have been able to significantly increase our business and management controls without adding additional personnel to our organization.” - Ocean Accessories