Sage 100 ERP Multi-Bin by ACS Group
Sage 100 ERP: ACS Warehouse Management System with Multi-Bin

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of goods within a warehouse in addition to processing all associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, picking and put-away. ACS Warehouse Management with Multi-Bin provides a seamlessly integrated multi-bin and warehouse management system (WMS) for Sage 100 ERP. Its flexible setup and easy-to-understand design allow for quick startup and smooth implementation.
- Warehouse Organization – Maintain warehouse regions/zone and aisles to control placement of goods and grouping of locations. Organize pick sheets by warehouse layout (wave picking) to increase pulling efficiency.
- Directed Picking – Allow the system to intelligently direct your pickers by order or wave layout. The system will prioritize pick locations by Primary picking area, region, overflow areas (for large quantities) and direct to staging locations if necessary. All normal rules for FIFO (first in, first out) and FEFO (first expiration, first out) are maintained as well.
- Directed Put Away – Allow the system intelligently direct receiving personnel on where to store incoming goods. The system will take into consideration the primary locations for the item, the capacity of the bin location and will advise on moving goods to shipping for back order fills.
- Manufacturing Module Integration – Complete integration for automatic allocation of components from bin locations and stocking of finished goods from Bill of Materials and Work Order. Make-to-Order Manufacturing Efficiency Package provides make-to-order Work Order processing with auto generation of work orders from sales orders and automatic material issue and labor transactions. Work order creations will summarize like items and the auto-create sub-assemblies. Also includes Work Order auto-close, auto-finish and other features. WOScan RF scanning also integrated.
Advanced Features
Expiration Date Control and Vendor Lot Traceability for Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, and Perishable Goods.
- Improve the efficiency of lot/serial goods handling with expiration date control and automation. Adding expiration date tracking allows the system to recommend goods for manufacturing use or customer sales on the FEFO (first expiration, first out) basis, minimizing loss to expiration. Set specific limitations for expiration lead time by customer.
- Trace raw materials, by vendor lot number, through sub-assemblies, finished goods and sales to customers. Traceability reports display the history of vendor lots, accommodating recalls and government vendor lot tracking regulations. The system also provides enhanced storage of lot/serial UDF information.
Wave Batch Picking for ultimate shipping control
- Wave Batch Picking helps automated shipping by advising which orders get allocated multi-bin inventory, printing wave picking sheets for warehouse efficiency and deciding which orders to ship based on customer priority and availability of goods.
- The system provides a grid based selection screen of orders by promised ship date, fill rate, back order fill priority and other criteria.
- Print pick sheets by Wave Batch number or use the split feature, which allows a wave batch to be split into multiple pick sheets so multiple pickers can move through the warehouse simultaneously on the same batch of orders. Picked goods and allocations can be transferred to shipping staging locations for pick and pack efficiency.
Pallet Management with License Plating
- License Plating (LP) containerizes inventory by Pallet ID and makes inventory movement more efficient by moving and processing the inventory, lots and serial numbers as a group (Pallet ID).
- Fully integrated throughout multi-bin inventory, provides on the fly creation, exploding, editing and printing pallet tags. LP inventory can moved between locations and merged into other LP’s.
In-Transit Virtual Warehouse the warehouse to warehouse tracking solution
- Virtual warehouse maintains supply and demand for inbound and outbound warehouses utilizing Sales Order and Purchase Order. When processing shipping and receiving, the system auto generates and updates appropriate Inventory Transfer transactions.
- RF Barcode and Wireless Technology integration is provided by the leading barcode integrators for Sage 100 ERP. They provide quick intra-warehouse transfers and time saving picking, shipping and receiving features — ScanForce, WOScan, and Scanco