Sage 300 ERP Consultants Chicago, IL
Arxis Technology, Inc. - Sage 300 ERP Consultants Chicago, ILWhy Clients Choose Arxis Technology, Inc.
If you are looking to improve or change your ERP solution then you already know that investing in technology is fundamental to the future of your company. Selecting the best ERP solution to fit your business is critical, however, it's even more important to select the best ERP consultant team for the job.
8 Reasons Why Clients Choose to Work with Arxis Technology, Inc.
1. Experience: Since 1994, our team of ERP consultants has implemented more than 300 ERP systems for companies in a wide range of industries.
2. People: We hire top-notch consultants and financial professionals with specialized expertise who have a passion for their work, and get genuine satisfaction by making a difference for you.
3. Integrity: The strength of our ongoing relationship will depend just as much on our integrity and mutual trust as our skill in handling your technology needs.
4. Service: As your business grows and changes, we can continue to provide the timely and expert assistance you need.
5. Financial Background: Arxis is staffed with technology consultants with an accounting and finance background who can identify your financial requirements and deliver cutting-edge technology solutions.
6. Objectivity: Since no one software package is right for every company, we work with several leading ERP systems (Intacct, Sage 100/300/500 ERP, and Sage ERP X3) and several industry-specific systems to help you find the right fit for your company.
7. Broad Expertise: We offer software implementation, training, and support, custom programming, database management, network engineering and design, and information security.
8. Proven Methodology: We follow our proven method for project implementation. Our "Nine Steps to Success" - needs assessment, evaluation and selection, project management, implementation, business process re-engineering, systems integration, training, technical support, and system enhancement - enables even the most complex project to be successful.
Why Clients Choose Sage 300 ERP
Sage 300 ERP (formerly Sage Accpac) offers a broad selection of feature-rich solutions including core accounting and finance, business intelligence , customer relationship management, eBusiness, HR and payroll, manufacturing, distribution innovative customization, and low total cost of ownership. Sage 300 ERP works the way you do with flexibility that enables you to choose the modules and the platform that best suit your business needs.
Contact Arxis Technology
CONTACT: Mark Severance
CALL: 866-624-2600
Arxis Client Testimonials
"Arxis really gets it. They understand the importance of integrating enterprise solutions with the culture of your business. Their resourceful staff works hard to understand your business first, so the systems they implement and manage are a good fit for your organization. That's the Arxis difference."
Billy Thompson
Pacific Dimensions, Inc.
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