Sage X3:  Advanced Analytics with AI, and Payments

1 19 2021 UBIX Fortis Sage X3 without Certipro ERPVAR Colors

Complimentary Webinar

Date:  Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

Time:  11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

Register Now!

Join UBIX, VIP Integrated Payments + Fortis to learn how to combine data science and machine learning to increase sales, improve AR collections, forecast demand with the data in Sage X3, in addition, learn how to automate order processing with an integrated payment solution for Sage X3.

We will demonstrate the following:

    1. How to use advanced analytics to unlock business value from the front office to the back office with UBIX, including:
      • Sales pipeline conversion modeling to predict the likelihood that a sales opportunity will convert into a win, lose or no deal
      • Accounts Receivables (AR) analytics to predict the likelihood that past due invoices will be paid in the next 30 – 60 days in order to improve AR collections.
      • Demand forecasting to improve forecast accuracy by 20-30% in order to reduce working capital
      • Commodity price forecasting analytics to reduce commodity procurement spend by 3-5%
      • Asset monitoring and predictive maintenance to improve asset uptime and maximize plant throughput
    2. Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid with Credit Card Processing Contracts
      • Early termination fees & long-term contracts
      • Rate negotiation 
      • Liquidated damages
      • Equipment leasing 
      • Grossly overstated savings
      • 24x7 LIVE REAL-TIME support when you need it

We look forward to "seeing" you on January 19th!

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