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Intacct User Group: Free Webinar: Streamline Intacct Transactions

Posted by Seth Pomeroy on Tue, Jul 07, 2015

Intacct_user_group_onlineFree Intacct User Group Webinar:  Streamline Your Work Process with Intacct Recurring Transactions & Templates 

Hosted by NDH Group Chicago

Topic: Intacct Recurring Transactions & Templates NDH Intacct Office Hours webinar resumes this Thursday (07/09) at 3PM CST with the topic: Recurring Transactions & Templates. Intacct Office Hours provides Intacct support for our clients. Each week we present a different “how to” Intacct support topic and then move to submitted questions, and open mic. This week’s topic: recurring transactions and transaction templates details how to streamline your work processes using recurring transactions, and transaction templates. We look forward to your participation!

NDH Intacct Office Hours format

    Discussion of week’s topic
    Client inquiries
    Open mic for questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit questions?
E-mail your inquiries to IOH@ndhcpa.com by 12noon on Tuesday.

Do I need a computer to log in and participate?
No. You may call in and listen to Office Hours, and open mic will be at the end.
Dial in: 312.878.3080
Access code: 365.222.205

How do I login to the webinar?
There are 3 easy ways to log into the weekly webinar:

Go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/365222205

A number will be provided to call in.
Visit www.gotomeeting.com and click on Join a Meeting in the top menu option.

Access code: 365.222.205

Dial in: 312.878.3080

NDH Group
The proposition is simple: Technology should make you more competitive, and transform the way you do business. Only Cloud software can automate your operations, report real-time trends, and allow true browser-only access. Not traditional accounting software. We deliver on the promise of Cloud, with offerings from Intacct and NetSuite, and with expertise in accounting, reporting, project management, and the underlying system. All critical to successfully implementing enterprise software, and transforming your business operations.  Contact Seth Pomeroy / seth@ndhcpa.com / 312-461-0505. 

Tags: Intacct Customer Support Group

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