Sage 300 ERP Consultant Colorado Springs, CO
Premier Sage 300 ERP Consultant Colorado Springs, CO
Reduce the Risk of Software Selection - Try Before You Buy
Proof of Concept Addresses Needs, Wants, Budget, and Priorities
Successful implementations boil down to choosing the software solution that best fits your needs. Also, being realistic in what the software will and will not do for you. Software is not a solution -it's a tool. A tool that can be configured specifically for your requirements. How do you choose the right solution with features that make your functions more seamless? Which system excels at automating processes to free your employees to help customers? How do you know, until after the actual implementation, if the system fits with your unique workflows? At Equation, we offer an alternate option.
After hundreds of successful implementations, we've honed a process to minimize the risk in software solution selection. We call it Proof of Concept. It's a mechanism to help you evaluate a system in more detail before buying. By changing the traditional implementation cycle, we provide a 'preview window' of how the software will actually function for you.
To picture how our Proof of Concept approach works, think of building a house. The first person you work with is the architect, not the contractor. During Proof of Concept, we help you architect the system for your business. We design a system for your internal processes and build the solution. Then, you 'test-drive' the software-before making a final selection.
At the completion of the Proof of Concept, we provide you with a detailed document explaining how the system functions with your processes. Equation's Proof of Concept process makes it easier for you to:
- Evaluate the software-in depth-before buying
- See firsthand how a system works before the crunch of implementation
- Get an objective look at how the system fits your business
- Identify key factors that will save time during final implementation
Our most successful implementations begin with the Proof of Concept. Clients tell us our process creates trust and a deeper understanding of what is possible. They know we're giving them a credible, documented evaluation of how the system will work for their company-before we sell it to them.
Half of our clients come to us as a result of a mismanaged implementation. Looking back, these clients would gladly have spent 15 percent of implementation costs upfront to determine if the software would meet their needs. Click here for Deloitte-Touche Study, including ranking of purchase criteria and level of VAR support.
Why pay 100 percent of a system's cost upfront and risk a failed implementation? Call us to see how a Proof of Concept can help you reduce the risk of business software selection.