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Acumatica integrated EDI

Acumatica customers can automate the process, get more customers, save money, and grow your business…in less time and with less effort with GraceBlood's VelociLink, a cloud-based Acumatica integrated EDI managed services solution.


Why Acumatica Customers Choose

GraceBlood's VelociLink

Acumatica Integrated EDI Managed Services 


GraceBlood/VelocLink Acumatica integrated EDI managed services providers provide a full range of tools and expertise to handle the EDI needs of your business and trading partners. This relieves you from the burden of allocating resources for in-house EDI specialists and managing the implementation and upkeep of EDI software.

By choosing GraceBlood's VelociLInk Acumatica integrated EDI managed services, you can transfer the burden of EDI responsibility from your company to a team of skilled EDI experts and a cloud-based platform. This dynamic duo can seamlessly provide, implement, and maintain the perfect EDI tools and standards for your business. Plus, they are always ready to respond swiftly and reliably to any disruptions or downtime, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

GraceBlood is thrilled to be recognized as an Acumatica ISV and we are currently building EDI partnerships with Acumatica VARs. If you’re an Acumatica user looking for EDI integration OR a VAR looking for an EDI partner for your clients, book a 30-minute meeting with one of our experts and let’s become the next success story.


Strengthen Trading Partner Relationships

Efficiently meeting your trading partner's EDI standards and processing their orders and invoices quickly will increase their willingness to continue doing business with you. This will help you not only build better relationships with your current trading partners but also attract future ones, ultimately leading to the growth of your business.
Acumatica integrated EDI

Increase Order Speed and Accuracy

In today's fast-paced business world, sending electronic documents that meet your partners' EDI standards is crucial without delay.
Cloud-based EDI-managed services help respond to orders, invoices, and important documents, reducing manual errors.
Acumatica EDI

Lower Order-to-Cash Cycle Times

By leveraging the expertise and toolsets of a managed EDI services provider, you can expedite the receipt, processing, management, and fulfillment of your customers' orders.
As a result, you can maximize your business potential and generate higher profits in a shorter timeframe, empowering you to achieve more with fewer resources.
Integrated EDI Acumatica

Integration and Ongoing Support

We streamline the exchange of business documents, eliminate manual data entry,  accelerate transaction processing, optimize inventory management, and improve order-to-cash cycles and data flow.
Our EDI partners align with the Acumatica partners to deliver EDI services and ongoing support for our mutual customers.
Businessman hand working with a Cloud Computing diagram on the new computer interface as concept
“The transition of EDI services for our customers to GraceBlood has gone extremely well. GraceBlood does an excellent job of meeting our customer’s EDI requirements. Thank you for your partnership.” ~ Lisa Lawrence, President/CEO
Aspen Systems, Inc.
“With GraceBlood’s help, we are able to onboard new partners in a fraction of the time it took previously.” ~ Jeff Wojciuk, Applications Manager
Green Bay Packaging
"The main benefit is enabling an electronic PO while the suppliers figure out their EDI disposition, preventing us from sending the supplier a manual PO." ~ CVS’ Senior Manager, Data Transformation and Transmission
CVS Health


Learn How GraceBlood's VelociLink Acumatica EDI Managed Service Solution Can Benefit You



Contact GraceBlood

Call: 877.867.8120



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