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Accounting Software Consultant New York Reviews: 2 Reasons for ERP and Excel

Accounting Software Consultant New York Reviews: 2 Reasons for ERP and Excel

Accounting_software_consultant_new_yorkAccountnet is an accounting software consultant New York area based firm and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Microsoft Dynamics helping growing companies implement ERP solutions to cut costs and boost profits for the past 20 years.  Accountnet has been at the forefront of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems revolution. The whole movement towards ERP systems was built around the desire to reduce dependency on Excel as the primary tool for data collection and analysis. For those who wish to ditch the spreadsheets, leading ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics GP reporting capabilities matured to the point where there’s hardly a need to open Excel ever again. Ironically, after all the talk about ditching spreadsheets and the technology advancements and reporting refinements the first question end-users always ask is, “How can I get this data into Excel?”

2 Reasons Why Excel Survives Along with ERP

  1. Excel is the tool of choice: While ERP has been a boon to companies seeking to consolidate and share business data, many of the people charged with doing more in-depth analyses (accounting, sales, shipping departments, etc.) need and want more than dashboard views and basic reports; for them Excel is a tool of choice. User adoption of your company’s ERP system is likely to be better when the tool being used for reporting is already familiar to the users and they can leverage their existing skills to use standard Excel functionality for generating charts, graphs and pivot tables.
  2. Excel for slicing and dicing:  If the data that is needed for the report can be generated using the existing interface (for example, Microsoft Dynamics GP) and exported in the format required for presentation of the report then there’s no issue – reports produced directly from your ERP system are probably the best choice for high level reporting. But if data needs to be sliced and diced before final presentation, then Excel becomes not only a familiar reporting tool, but an essential one.

ERP Integration to Excel Saves the Day for One Customer: Our client needed a way to reconcile customer deposits and wanted to be able to report on their liability by customer. The data was there and easy to retrieve from the ERP system, but in order to combine data from several different database tables, a special view needed to be set up and then connected to Excel. Now, this Excel front-end allows our client to pivot or arrange data as needed to report on fulfillment information, collections, and to satisfy any auditors.

Contact Accountnet if you would like to learn more about Excel reporting options for Microsoft Dynamics.

Accountnet routinely helps clients find the right business solutions for their company. Whether you are already a Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Dynamics SL customer, or want to explore how these ERP systems can help you run and grow your small to mid-sized business, we are here to help.  Contact Accountnet today for a comprehensive Accounting Technical Review.

Our Accountnet ERP implementation experts offer a needs assessment service that will help you determine your business’s unique requirements and find the right ERP and BI reporting solution for you. We are a Gold Certified Partner for Microsoft Dynamics, and can help you determine whether Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Dynamics SL, paired with powerful BI reporting tools, might benefit your operation or whether a cloud ERP solution, like Acumatica, is a better fit. Contact us to take advantage of a free needs assessment to get started.

At Accountnet, we have helped hundreds of companies take the step towards the cloud. Our experienced and dedicated team of ERP consultants offer a free phone consultation and a no-obligation review of your software to help you determine the right solution for your company.

Drop us a note or give us a call at 212-244-9009 to get started.

RELATED ARTICLE:  The Rise of Excel-Based Reporting Tools for ERP

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