ERP Consultant Blog

Adrian Montgomery

3 min read

4 Signs You Are Ready for Cloud ERP Software: A Death Star Perspective

Don’t Stay on the Dark Side Any Longer – Learn How Cloud ERP Software Helps Your Growing Business Is your business still running on an entry-level system like QuickBooks or an outdated legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) system? If you are...

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Sage 100 Infographic: How to Automate and Streamline eCommerce Sales Order Processing

Tired of manually re-entering data to process eCommerce orders in Sage 100? Check out our colorful easy to understand infographic below and join us...

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4 min read

2016 ERP Software Buying Considerations

Cloud Subscription Based ERP Software vs On-Premise Server Based ERP Cost, Control and Customization Drive the Debate

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3 min read

Planning an ERP Software Purchase? 6 Key Findings by the Trusted Leaders at Software Advice

Please visit Software Advice for the original version of this article. ERP VAR connects companies who have ERP Software needs with business partners...

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1 min read

ERP Consultants Are Blamed for 36% of Failed ERP Implementations

Best Practices for Avoiding ERP Implementation Failure Software Advice recently published an e-book stating properly Implemented ERP systems can...

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2 min read

The DIM Weight Wake-Up Call: 4 Ways to Reduce Shipping Costs

Shipping Costs Increased Since January 1, 2015 The DIM Weight Wake-Up Call: 4 Ways to Reduce Shipping Costs If you are an ecommerce, retail,...

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1 min read

Price Optimization: What Drives Value?

Price optimization and pricing excellence 2 important value drivers™ Visible Value Drivers™ Visible value drivers™ can be anything identifiable by...

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2 min read

What is Value Based Pricing? 2 Rules of Price Optimization

Warren Buffet said, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” Put another way, value is what builds the price. Implementing value-based pricing...

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2 min read

What Does ERP Stand For? 3 Advantages of Cloud ERP vs. Legacy ERP

What does ERP stand for? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a strategy that fits all pieces of a...

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1 min read

6 Steps to Developing a World Class Business Credit Policy and Collections Action Plan

Accounts receivable is typically the largest or second largest asset for most businesses, yet most companies do nothing to improve their credit and...

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