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ERP software trials and why you should use them

ERP software trials and why you should use them

There are more and more businesses looking to software solutions to help them stay current and competitive as cloud computing continues to mature.  Many of these potential users are attracted to familiar names like Microsoft which offers an array of business management solutions including Dynamics ERP.  But it is a good idea to start with ERP software trials before you commit to a purchase, otherwise you are gambling on a coin toss.

Over the next decade the majority of businesses will move all or part of their IT systems in the cloud, according to an article at CIO.com.  Part of the popularity of the cloud for business comes from its ability to deliver enterprise level software without the hardware and IT personnel needs that would have been required just a few years ago.

Naturally this makes the cloud a very attractive solution to small and mid-size businesses as well as discerning CFOs, human resource managers and other key roles.  Cloud deployment significantly reduces the risk associated with ERP and other types of implementations, but it doesn’t remove risk completely.

Evaluating the business fit as well as the technical fit are among the most important steps to take when selecting an ERP solution, according to Panorama Consulting founder Eric Kimberling in a popular article at TechRepublic.com.

“Too many companies choose a solution based on brand name or based on what competitors are doing,” said Kimberling.  “Instead, organizations need to consider the options that are going to best meet their unique business requirements and sources of competitive advantage.”

Of course the only way to truly know that a software package is the right fit is to try it.  Nobody buys a car without test driving it first.  So with something as important as the solution that will power an entire business, it is a necessity to at least click around the software for yourself.

But the best reason to try software is that there is no reason not to.  ERP software trials are out there and available with no commitment and no risk at all, as long as your go through a reputable source like www.goERPcloud.com.  goERPcloud.com lets you test drive a variety of Microsoft Dynamics ERP packages and industry solutions.

Of course even ERP software trials can’t guarantee that the software implementation will be a total success.  So once you find the right product you will have to find a trusted local reseller with the experience to help you through the software implementation and setup.

Finding a software package that is tailored to fit your exact needs will make it that much more successful and only a company that knows your local market can fully do that.  That’s why selecting a local partner is a critical step, as they are uniquely informed about your specific market.

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