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Sage ERP X3 Consultant Review: 4 Reasons Sage ERP X3 Beats QuickBooks
As a Sage ERP X3 consultant, we have many clients who outgrow QuickBooks and choose to migrate to Sage ERP X3. So when Sage ERP X3 jumps in the ring...
Sage ERP X3 offers quite a bit of flexibility for users to customize workflows and dashboards to fit their specific needs. Furthermore, the system allows many tools and features to help you become more efficient in your day-to-day activities; from faster system navigation to setting up recurring journal entries and more. Whether you’re new to Sage ERP X3 or have been using it for years, here are a few helpful ideas to help you become more productive.
Choose which of the following tips you’d like to learn more about and follow the link to get step by step instructions from one of our Sage ERP X3 consultants with screen shots.
1. Sage ERP X3 Dashboards – The Basics
One of the benefits of an ERP system is being able to access and use system data for strategic decision making, right? When gathering and analyzing that data is tedious or difficult, this benefit loses its value. You know that the Sage ERP X3 dashboards provide you instant access to what you need, but did you know you can customize them based on your role? Learn how to design and build your own dashboards based on the information you need here.
2. How to Modify Visual Process Flows in Sage ERP X3
The system will comes with Process Flows installed, but sometimes the way that come out-of-the-box simply won’t work for your specific user role. Learn how to modify Visual Process Flows X3 to better suite your specific needs and processes to help you get more done in less time here.
3. Sage ERP X3 Navigation
Modify your Left List Columns in Products Screen:In Sage ERP X3, many of the screens display with a left list which is used to navigate among records and transactions within the screen. Over time your list gets longer and it gets hard to quickly find that you’re looking for. You can solve this by adjusting to your left list columns, learn more here.
4. Sage ERP X3 Navigation
Quick Select and Advanced Selection: You learned how to modify your left list columns, but you can take it a step further. Did you know that you can filter the Left List and save that filter for later use? Learn how to use the Quick Select and Advanced Selection tools that allow you to do this here.
5. How to Set Up Financial Data Extraction in Sage ERP X3
Sage ERP X3 comes equipped with all of the financial reporting tools you need to quickly and easily access, control, and analyze your data as well as a way to extract that data for analysis and reporting. This tool is called “Financial Data Extraction,” learn how to use this tool here.
6. Sage ERP X3 Reporting: Financial Data Extraction Calculation and Inquiry
Now that you have the Financial Data Extraction tool set up, learn the 3 steps to running the Financial Data Extraction report calculation and how to view the extraction results here.
7. Importing a Journal Entry in Sage ERP X3
If your processes require you to export journal entries from an external system and then post them in Sage ERP X3, you will need to know how to important a journal entry. An example might be a company where you use an external payroll service which can provide the GL postings in a file to be imported into Sage ERP X3. Learn how to make this process quick and painless here.
8. How to Set Up a Recurring Journal Entry in Sage ERP X3
For journal entries that may be long and repetitive, setting up recurring journal entries in Sage ERP X3 can help you save a huge amount of time. There are a few steps to setting up a recurring journal entry in Sage ERP X3, learn what they are here.
The tips above are in no way an exhaustive list of the many ways you can get the most out of Sage ERP X3. Our resource guide is chalk-full of best practices, white papers, videos, and more to help you get the most out of your Sage ERP X3 system. Click the button below to enter our resource center and learn more!
Need help with your Sage ERP system? e2b teknologies is an award winning Sage partner with decades of experience working with Sage ERP products and customers. Contact us today and one of our Sage ERP X3 consultants would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Follow us on twitter @e2bteknologies for more helpful tips and tricks!
Image credit: www.freedigitalphotos.net/ Stuart Miles
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