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What can CRM do for your ERP system?

What can CRM do for your ERP system?

CRM Software ERP Software resized 6005 Benefits of CRM & ERP Software Integration

You may be wondering why, after all of these years of having two separate systems, should you put the money and effort into combining the two. Without the integration you could be running the risk of inefficient operating your business & missing out on the opportunity to maximize your profitability. So why should you integrate your CRM and ERP? The answer is simple…Here are a few ways that CRM products can help save you time, money, and a few headaches:

  1. Eliminate double data entry- this saves you the time of having to enter contact/account info into both systems which in turn can help cut down on the amount of data entry errors.
  2. Streamline operations with automated workflow- send info on your products, accounts, invoices, sales history, etc. from your CRM directly to your ERP. This info can be sent manually or can be automated to go out on a specific day at a specific time. 
  3. Provides your sales team with important information- information such as financials and sales history for customers will be at your fingertips. This allows your sales team to better serve customers, optimize orders, see purchasing trends, cross sell, etc.
  4. Target your most promising prospects- ERP gives you insight into a customer’s financial situation and how it stands with the company while CRM allows you to look into purchasing patterns and demographics. By combining these two together you can make sure your sales and marketing are aimed at those most likely to follow through with a purchase
  5. A complete view of every customer in one place- by pulling in the financial information from your ERP and relationship information from CRM you will be able to handle all of your activities such as managing your receivables, inventory, invoices, and other financial information plus gain insight for cross-sells, up sells, marketing communications, and much more all in one system.

As this brief list of benefits explains, integrating your CRM and ERP systems can be a great step toward increasing your company’s operational efficiencies and decreasing operation costs and pains that come with running two separate systems. If you do choose to go this route be sure you do not rush the implementation- read about the dangers of rushing the process in this blog article Companies adding CRM to ERP, forgetting key steps.

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About e2b teknologies:
e2b teknologies operates three business units – e2b anytime apps, e2b enterprise, and e2b calibration. e2b enterprise develops custom cloud-based business applications and resells leading ERP accounting software, CRM, HRMS, and other enterprise business software applications from Sage Software, Epicor, Intacct, Sugar CRM, and other publishers. e2b anytime apps is the publisher of Anytime Collect, Anytime Assets, Anytime 500, Anytime Commerce, and related Anytime brand products. e2b calibration is an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory. 
Our goal is to provide customers with great products backed by world-class support, development services, and business consulting to help them achieve their goals – on-time, and on-budget. Contact us today for more information or to speak with one of our software experts.

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