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Cloud ERP Software: 3 Tips for Successful Cloud Implementation

Cloud ERP Software: 3 Tips for Successful Cloud Implementation

Cloud_ERP_Software_IBN_23 Tips for Cloud ERP Software Implementation Success

If you are considering moving your business to the cloud, here are 3 tips to help ensure that your cloud ERP software implementation is a success. As your business grows, your ERP infrastructure and IT technology must evolve to meet your unique challenges including scalability, data integrity, user access, knowledge and training, and budget allocation.  When considering cloud deployment options, a great starting point is to understand how others in your business sector utilize the Cloud.  We hope these 3 tips outlined below help you get started with these three primary objectives to investigate before you choose your ERP provider and move to the Cloud.

3 Cloud ERP Software Implementation Tips

1.    Identify the Goals of Cloud Tools

As you plan your move to the Cloud, it is important to know what objectives you are going to meet for your business.  Once you identify your primary objectives, it’s time to explore how the Cloud will help you achieve them. Here are the most common things the Cloud can help your business achieve:

•    Reducing your IT responsibilities is one of the greatest benefits of moving to the Cloud.
•    Close sales in the field
•    Unite multiple locations
•    Share and archive files
•    Increase your agility and sharing of information across departments and locations

Moving to the Cloud for the sake of being in the Cloud is not the reason to do it. Knowing your business goals serves as a guide to ensure you get the most out of the Cloud and your various software applications.

2.    Performance is Key

Your results are only as good as the tools you have to work with. Do the applications you plan to use in the Cloud really lend themselves to cloud computing? Having solutions designed specifically to run in the Cloud with a Cloud platform designed for that application is a best case scenario. Rushing to the Cloud because Amazon or another mass provider just lowered their price should not be the catalyst for change when making a sweeping technology change for your business.

Price is only one of many factors that should influence how you choose a Cloud provider. Experience hosting your applications, application-specific support, and understanding how to set up your software so that you will have the ability to grow in the Cloud as your business grows are the three biggest factors with the potential to impact your bottom line. It should be easy to add new users, scale infrastructure and implement new software integrations with your Cloud provider. Be sure to question them on this when going through the process of choosing your provider.

3.    Know What You are Buying

Whenever you shop around to various providers of services or goods, you need to make sure that you are getting what you need without any little surprises popping up to change the cost at the last minute. “Oh, you want tires with your car?” Shopping for Cloud providers is the same. Not all providers can deliver the same experience. Make sure they have hosted your software before, can provide extensive support, and get a detailed proposal for hosting. Then go check out their competitors. Make sure that each proposal contains the same information so that you can make an accurate comparison.

For more information and documents to help you through this process, check out our free guide to buying Cloud and our readiness survey.

Click below for our Cloud Buyer's Guide:

ecommerce integration

About I-Business Network:

Before you move to the Cloud or purchase an add-on for your system, give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I-Business Network has more than a decade of experience hosting a variety of ERP software and add-ons. We can walk you through the environmental needs of your software, what add-ons are recommended, and what you should expect from a Cloud provider.

Visit us at I-BN.com or contact Bob Tobey at 678-627-0646 ext. 231 or btobey@i-bn.net for help evaluating your ERP options. Whether you are outgrowing QuickBooks, another entry level accounting software, or if you need to move to cloud hosting with a cloud ERP solution or hosting your existing ERP software.

I-Business Network (I-BN) is an ERP and cloud solutions provider since 1999. Established by professionals in the accounting and software industry, I-BN has provided cloud hosting and business solutions including industry-specific solutions for distribution, light manufacturing and professional services. I-BN specializes in sales, implementation and cloud hosting for ERP software. We have deep experience and knowledge of Sage 100 ERP and SAP Business One software and understand its unique requirements and the support that you will need. Our national network of business software solution providers enables us to provide a local presence for training, implementation and support.

I-BN hosts a large number of cloud accounting software (ERP) applications including:
•    Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP and NAV
•    Sage BusinessWorks
•    Sage CRM
•    Sage FAS
•    Sage MAS 90, MAS 200 and MAS 500
•    SAP Business One
•    Yardi

Another version of this blog was previously posted on the I-BN Blog: Three Considerations for Successful Cloud Deployment

Image courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net by Stuart Miles

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