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Infographic: 10 Ways Disconnected Software Systems Complicate Your Life

Infographic: 10 Ways Disconnected Software Systems Complicate Your Life

“Complicated” is never a world you want to describe your work day, yet numerous professionals who are forced to make sense of disconnected software systems often do. Organizations that use separate systems for invoicing, project management, shipping and CRM struggle with the complicated task of trying to make connections where no actual connections exist.

“10 Ways Disconnected Software Systems Complicate Your Life” is a concise infographic from CAL Business Solutions that highlights ten of the real-world problems that affect business professionals when they have to deal with disconnected business management systems. Some of those problems include:

  • Duplicate data entry – You end up wasting time on data that has already been entered, which opens the door for errors.
  • Difficult to locate information – Data is often entered in multiple locations and may contain slight variations on each system.
  • Hard to sync data – If your systems are not organically connected, you will have to find a way to manually make it happen. This costs money and time that could be spent elsewhere.
  • Team members are not on the same page – When people are working on different, disconnected systems with varying data, information is not shared and people are as disconnected as their software.

View the full infographic:

10 Ways Disconnected Software Systems Complicate Your Life

10 Ways Disconnected Software Systems Complicate Your Life

Acumatica Cloud ERP pulls it all together so that you have CRM, sales, order entry, inventory, purchasing, distribution, manufacturing, field service and project accounting all within a single, cloud-based system that scales with your business growth. It provides a cost-effective solution to enterprise resource planning that eliminates many of the problems companies often face with disconnected software systems.

If you are trying to simplify your systems and evaluating ERP software, contact CAL Business Solutions. 860-485-0910 x4 or sales@calszone.com

By CAL Business Solutions, Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner, www.calszone.com

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