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INFOGRAPHIC: Moving Five Separate ERP Systems Into One Version of the Truth

INFOGRAPHIC: Moving Five Separate ERP Systems Into One Version of the Truth
Infographic ERP SystemsA business is a living thing – constantly growing, constantly changing. The decisions we made in the past, we still stand by – although over time our changing IT needs created a new set of problems, some of which we didn’t even recognize as problems. Until we fixed them.

We built our business on Great Plains (now Microsoft Dynamics GP). We knew the best way to show our confidence in the product we sell is to put it to use in our own office, and so we did. We were there when it became part of Microsoft, and to this day we still love it and fully support it.

However, in our almost 20-year journey, we had needs that weren’t met by Dynamics GP, and so we added a few more tools: Olympic Project Accounting, Dynamics CRM, SalesPad, and Kayako.

Of course, we found ways for all these tools to work together… sort of.

While we were happy with our systems, they weren’t completely integrated, creating disconnected islands of information that caused us to contend with incorrect data, duplicate entry, and a disconnect between departments in our office due to a lack of visibility of the data we needed in the moment.

Staying ahead of the curve is important for any company working in the technology field – including us. So we started looking at the cloud solutions available as a move to offer another product that would meet customer demands, as more and more were asking about the cloud.

We haven’t changed – we still believe the best way to sell a product is to be a user first.

Embarking on this great revolution in our small enterprise became something almost like an epiphany – we came down to One Version of the Truth. One dataset, one entry, total visibility.

What does that mean? We’ve prepared an infographic to document our journey, with all the detours along the way. Check it out here: Our Story-Moving From Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica Cloud ERP and then contact us to find out how we can help guide your business back to One Version of the Truth. sales@calszone.com or 860-485-0910 x4

By CAL Business Solutions, Microsoft Dynamics GP and Acumatica partner, www.calszone.com
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