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Sage Consultant Recaps Sage Sessions Toronto 2016 - 5 Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Sage Consultant Recaps Sage Sessions Toronto 2016 - 5 Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Sage Consultant Reviews 5 Lessons for an Entrepreneur

Our team of Sage consultants attending Sage Sessions 2016 in Toronto were once again impressed by the value Sage delivered with another great conference. Sage did it again! Sage hosted another outstanding customer event with plenty of opportunities for Sage customers to get training form the experts, learn strategy from industry leaders and networking with peers and mentors. The consensus among attendees was that the highlight was definitely the keynote speaker.

If you have a chance to attend a Sage conference, it is well worth the time. The keynote speaker Manjit Minhas spoke about leadership and entrepreneurship and left the audience with tangible nuggets they could actually use! Manjit Minhas is the co-founder of Minhas Breweries and Distillery.   

At Sage Sessions, she shared her story and key lessons for entrepreneurship – we hope you’ll be as inspired as we were when we heard her message!

It all started in 1993 when Manjit was only 13 years old. Her father had just been laid off from the oil and gas industry when the province of Alberta, where they lived, went through some changes regarding privatization in the liquor industry. Her dad jumped on the opportunity and opened his own liquor store, starting with one but quickly followed by two more. Manjit grew up working in the family industry and having her dad as her mentor. Then, as Manjit grew up, she and her brother determined that they could start their own business, supplying liquor stores, restaurants, and bars. So they launched their own distillery – when she was only 19 years old!

5 Lesson for Entrepreneurs

Manjit believes that to be successful, you must have people around you that believe in you – both in your business and in you personally! for all entrepreneurs Here are the 5 lessons she believes in:

1.    Find a mentor:  Everyone needs a mentor.
2.    Have the courage to succeed:  To be successful, you have to be cautious, courageous and conservative.
3.    Life is not fair:  When you face obstacles – because you will – don’t give up. If Manjit had, she would never have expanded her business into Ontario.
4.    Spend what you earn and nothing more:  Live within your means in both your personal life and your business life. This truly helps you sleep at night. Manjit advocates keeping as little overhead as possible and not spending money on things that are not needed. Another tip she shared – which she mastered in her travels to India – was negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Never, ever take anyone’s first offer! There is always an element on which you can negotiate – if it isn’t price, it may be payment terms, shipping costs, etc. The more negotiating you do, the better you will get at it!
5.    Find your passion: Stick to things you know a lot about. If you’re going to sell things, be passionate about learning about what you’re selling. Find something you’re passionate about and do it as well as you can. Pick one or two things you really love doing. Finally, follow all these instructions and avoid distractions – there’s no need for plan B because it only distracts from plan A!

Manjit ended her speech by reminding all participants to take the stairs. Why? Because there’s no elevator to success! (Better get out those sneakers!)

Mantralogix – ERP System Implementation Specialists

Mantralogix consultants are experts in ERP system selection and implementation. We can guide small to midsize businesses through requirements definition, selection, and implementation of the software solution that’s right for your particular needs. Leverage Mantralogix’ experience to provide true business value and a competitive advantage. We provide services for an extensive variety of businesses in many industries. Training and on-going support provide long-term value to our customers now and in the future.

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About Mantralogix

Mantralogix specializes in the implementation, support, and training of world-class ERP solutions from Sage, including Sage MAS 500, Sage 300 (formerly Accpac), and Sage X3, Sage PFW, and Sage BusinessVision Accounting (BV).  We also help with CRM, HRMS, custom development, hardware, and IT consulting and outsourcing. Mantralogix has in-house expertise in designing, developing and implementing solutions for financial, manufacturing and distribution verticals. Contact us today at 866-320-8922 or visit www.mantralogix.com

ANother version of this blog was previously published on Mantralogix's blog on September 28-2016 - Life is not fair – especially when you’re an entrepreneur

Topics: Entrepreneurship, Sage Sessions, Manjit Minhas

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