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React Quicker With Integrated Sage 100cloud Manufacturing Optimization

React Quicker With Integrated Sage 100cloud Manufacturing Optimization

Increase Visibility Into Manufacturing Insights You Should Act On Now

Managing critical data and processes with spreadsheets or legacy accounting and ERP systems becomes nearly impossible as your business grows. If you lack integration with your discrete manufacturing ERP system, it will remain a significant pain point for your business to muddle through with older technology. 

Utmost Visibility With Discrete Manufacturing ERP Systems 

If you have complex supply chains or manufacture complex products, there’s a lot of data to analyze—product master data, bills of materials, and the sale and financials attached to it. Sage 100cloud enables full visibility across all of those components.

Sage 100cloud provides your teams spanning finance, sales, administration, procurement, and production with a “single source of truth” which creates greater alignment across the business, and empowers data-driven decision making. With one application that’s driving everything, no one has to re-key data at every step of the process, and everybody has visibility to the same information. 

Another benefit is that people grow in their jobs as the system does more. Once you have automated all those tedious tasks, employees have space to start to enrich their roles in a way that helps grow the business, such as deliver better customer service. You’re transforming to visibility that truly helps the business in a more strategic way.

Intelligent Reporting and Analytics

One of the hairiest challenges dealing with legacy systems is typically the lack of robust reporting functionality and, more importantly, the ability to generate actionable insights from reports. For example, without integrated costing, it might be a month before you know if what you’re selling is profitable. And it’s hard, if not impossible, to react to changing conditions such as the cost of materials or other market changes. 

When considering various ERP systems, it’s important to look for functionality that enables quick, efficient, and accurate data analysis to optimize budget planning cycles and to provide real-time insights to various departments so they can make better decisions. You want to reduce reliance on guessing and gut instincts.

Intelligent reporting is crucial to enabling visibility to get the context necessary to help management teams plan better for the future. This capability assumes that you have timely and accurate access to data across your business, and that you have the ability to distribute that data. You want to turn data into information that you can make decisions on today—things that impact your profitability right now.

Be the Very Model of a Modern Manufacturer

By utilizing Sage 100cloud with Sage Operations Management, you can optimize production, provide accurate order status, achieve on-time deliveries within budget and gain insights across the complete product lifecycle.

Are you a  Manufacturer? Click Here

Sage 100cloud manufacturing software (Sage Operations Management) is one of the most stable and feature-rich business management solutions available. Built for security and compliance, it can be customized to meet your unique needs, no matter what your goals. With a wide range of integration capabilities available, you can be sure your organization and your people can stay competitive, grow successfully, and ultimately thrive. 

The team at Vrakas/Blum Computer Consulting is the Number One Manufacturing Solution Partner for 14 years running. Our collective experience can save you time and create efficiencies with Sage 100 discrete manufacturing software. Contact Vrakas/Blum Computer Consulting today!

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