Cloud ERP vs Web-Based Apps? What's the Best Option for Your Business?

Now, that’s a question difficult to answer. For many people, "Cloud ERP" and "Web-based" apps are differentiated closely. If you are in the market for new business solutions it is important to understand the similarities and the differences that exist between the two software architecture models.

Cloud ERP vs Web-Based Apps

Of course, similarities between web-based and cloud ERP solutions do exist, fine particulars set them far apart from each other.

When is it time to replace your erp system

To begin with, Web-based apps are exclusively delivered to end-users via Web browsers. Any software product, including certain combinations of server-side (PHP and ASP) and client-side (Adobe, JavaScript, and HTML) scripts, can be enabled to work over browsers. On-premise ERP systems often require multiple software to be installed on all the computers across the company. On the contrary, web-based ERPs offer unparalleled benefits by facilitating remote access from different locations and devices without installing a software product.

Web-based ERP software gives you great flexibility. However, using cloud-based systems is even better. Why? Because cloud ERP solutions propose an advanced architecture model that can be used to access servers over Web browsers, without being necessarily dependent on such browsers to work. For instance, organizations can opt for "private clouds" to set up their own data centers, which makes possible local and/or remote access to their networks. Since cloud-based frameworks can support both over-the-Web and offline apps, they’re considered superior to the apps available exclusively via Web browsers.

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What’s Best for Your Business?

If you need software to be flexible enough to work the way your business operates, the best solution is a cloud ERP solution embedded with Web-based functionality. Modern cloud ERP solutions balance the benefits delivered by cloud computing with those included in Web-based apps. The great news is that Acumatica is a modern cloud ERP solution designed to help you manage different business areas. Acumatica provides you with a variety of all-in-one solutions depending on your requirements. You can get manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, finance, customer service, human resource, e-commerce, and more.

To address the specific needs of most business operations, Acumatica cloud ERP provides several modules:

General Business Editions: 

  • Small Business
  • Advanced
  • Enterprise

Industry Editions: 

  • Distribution
  • e-Commerce
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Field Service

Acumatica Future Proof Platform

  • Financials: Fortunately, you have powerful Financial Management capabilities!  Unfortunately, this isn't always the case with other solutions. Acumatica provides a wide range of financial tools, such as Cash Management, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Tax Management, Fixed Assets Management, and Currency Management, Acumatica can help you streamline your business activity by better addressing various challenges relating to cash flow, budgeting, payroll, tax, and even unexpected expenses. For better financial management, Acumatica also includes apps that facilitate 30-day cash flow forecasts based on transaction statistics and data collection sheets, which provide information in a comprehensive, yet succinct form to save you time.
  • Distribution:  The Distribution Management module not only includes special functions you can use to manage inventory, procurement, and sales but also interconnects with the Financial Management module to make relevant recommendations based on real-time data. Acumatica provides up-to-date information on shipping costs, for instance, can help you choose the most appropriate carrier and shipping route, which will have a dramatic impact on your bottom line over the long run.
  • Project Accounting: The project accounting features are commonly poorly lacking in many ERP solutions. With Acumatica, you get awesome Expense Management, Advanced Billing, Budget Tracking, and Resource Management. Now you can easily handle complex project-related activities. Acumatica has powerful project accounting capabilities including analyzing project-specific characteristics and calculating revenue before accepting a project, drafting extensive financial reports, generating invoices and applying bills correctly, and keeping track of costs during project execution to meet budget restrictions. Additionally, Time and Expense Tracking will help ensure on-time project delivery.
  • Construction: The Acumatica Construction Edition, allows you to drill down to analyze variances by line item, cost code, subcontractor, or material. You’ll catch variances sooner and correct them faster without searching endlessly.
  • Customer Management: Acumatica also includes a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module for better customer management. Sales Automation, Integrated Marketing, and Service and Support Automation are the functions you can use to track leads, convert prospects into sales, and give customers access to valuable information.

Why do more and more growing businesses choose to work with Clients First?

At Clients First Business Solutions, we have Acumatica experts ready to help guide you on your digital transformation journey and ensure your interconnectivity supports your company’s growth. Nothing replaces a live presentation so please reach out to us to schedule a demonstration for your business.  Please call us at 800.331.8382 or send us an email at today. 

Acumatica is one of the most appropriate ERP solutions you can find for your organization on today’s market, and that’s because it brings you the best out of the cloud with none of the drawbacks.

A few related articles: 

Another version of this blog was published by Clients First- Cloud ERP vs Web-Based Apps? What's the Best Option for Your Business?

Cloud-Based vs On-Premise: Comparing Costs & Benefits 


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