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3 Ways to Cut Costs with Acumatica Manufacturing Automation Software

3 Ways to Cut Costs with Acumatica Manufacturing Automation Software

manufacturing automationIf you are responsible for overseeing manufacturing operational processes, your top goals probably include efficiency, productivity and growth.  Successful manufacturing businesses seek out and use best practices and automation tools to ensure all production processes are operating at peek efficiency.  Correctly implemented manufacturing automation software ties all these processes together.

3 Ways Manufacturing Automation Software Cuts Costs and Facilitates Growth

  1. Facilitate operational excellence:
  • Engage and empower the teams with tools and visibility to improve specific jobs and tasks
  • Automate manual processes to reduce errors and improve accuracy
  • Automate manufacturing management processes with customizable workflows
  1. Make key decisions faster by leveraging analytics for insight 
  • Utilize interactive analysis tools to provide visibility into manufacturing Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) or KPI’s
  • Monitor high level operational trends and drill down into the details for additional information
  • Track leading and lagging indicators
  1. Drive innovation to stay ahead of the competition
  • Identify business processes to improve that are key to driving innovation
  • Use dashboards to monitor real-time performance data
  • Prepare for the “Factory of the Future” with Internet of Things (IoT) with a modern ERP system
  • Ensure your manufacturing automation software allows for easy integration to custom apps or 3rd party solutions on your shop floor

Enlist a certified Acumatica manufacturing automation expert

As manufacturing automation ERP consultants, we understand you have a lot on your plate.  Our role is to help you accomplish all these objectives and responsibilities. We implement modern tools and best practices to reach your goals and achieve efficiency and continuous improvement. Our passion is to contribute to your success with Acumatica cloud ERP technology.

The Acumatica Manufacturing Edition integrates with the Customer, Inventory, Order Management, eCommerce, Financial, Project and Service Management Suites. Our experienced manufacturing and ERP systems consultants can help you adopt a successful strategy for growth using modern manufacturing technology in the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition platform.

We help you monitor your progress with KPI’s designed to measure progress toward your goals. Acumatica provides easy to read dashboards with the arranged data month to month, quarter to quarter, year over year and everything in between. Here are some KPI’s you can monitor with Acumatica.

KPI information you can monitor with Acumatica manufacturing automation

checkmarkProduct Production Costs checkmarkWork Center Loads and Schedules
checkmarkSupplier Costs checkmarkSales and Profitability by Customer Category
checkmarkSub-Contractor Performance checkmarkSales and Profitability by Item Class
checkmarkPlan vs. Actual Hours and Cost checkmarkOn-Time Delivery to Customer
checkmarkPlanned, In-Process and Completed Work  


Click image below for a free 10-page manufacturing job cost KPI’s whitepaper.

In this white paper, you will learn about how manufacturing software uses Business Intelligence (BI) to create KPI dashboards both for mobile and desktop platforms, with specific examples of KPI reporting to understand and inspire how to take advantage of this great tool for your own business.

Manufacturing job costing

Let us help you discover if the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition is a good fit for your growing business!

Stratotech Partners, LLC. is an Acumatica Gold Certified Partner, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, serving Acumatica customers in the Seattle metropolitan area and Pacific Northwest. The Partners at Stratotech, Art Olsen and John Nicholson, are ERP industry veterans with an honorable reputation among their peers. Stratotech’s expertise allows them to focus on small to mid-sized manufacturing companies who are outgrowing existing systems and looking for lower cost cloud-based alternatives. Highlighted solutions offered by Stratotech are the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition and Smartsheet, the leading cloud platform for collaboration and project management.

For more information, please visit our website, call 206-336-9197 or email us.


Another version was posted on Stratotech Partners, LLC. blog - Reach Peak Performance with Manufacturing Automation

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