ERP Consultant Blog

Mark Severance

2 min read

Say goodbye to paper invoices and embrace AP automation

Have you overlooked AP automation? In these times, when almost everything can be done electronically and online, it’s hard to believe a majority of companies—big and small—still receive their invoices on paper and process them manually. If you are...

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1 min read

Best Budgeting Software: Active Planning with Adaptive Insights

Most growing organizations have outgrown their Excel-based budgeting. What was once cost effective and convenient has become unsophisticated and...

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2 min read

Which Cloud Financial Implementation Strategy Is Right for You?

4 Cloud Financial Implementation Strategies Life is full of so many choices—especially technology options. In your personal life, that might be which...

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2 min read

Business Budget Software:  Rolling Forecasts are the Way to Go

The Best Budgeting Software for Rolling Forecasts Budget. The word we all love to hate. Finance teams spend countless hours developing one, only to...

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2 min read

Get More AP Automation Benefits with Today's AP Solutions

Does Your AP Department Party Like It's 1982? Ah, the good old days, when hair was big, and so were desktop computers. When Nintendo 64 was new and...

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2 min read

Revenue Recognition Criteria: Choosing the Full or Modified Retrospective Method for IFRS 15 & ASC 606

Private and public companies are facing the biggest revenue recognition criteria change in a decade. Upcoming IFRS 15 and ASC 606 revenue recognition...

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2 min read

“It’s a Wrap!” Speeding Month-End Close with FloQast

Producing a film can seem like an endless process that can take months, if not years. If you’re an accounting professional in charge of month-end...

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2 min read

Sage Software Reviews

Sage Software Reviews - Have you outgrown your Sage accounting system? For many years, Sage has provided tens of thousands of organizations with...

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