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Business Management Software: Examining Operations Management Software

Business Management Software: Examining Operations Management Software

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term ‘business management software’? More confusion? Continue reading this blog article to understand what business management software means and all the software solutions it encompasses.

Business management software comprises of operations management software, CRM software, accounting software and business intelligence software.

In this article we will describe operations management software in detail. The next article in the blog series, will discuss CRM software, accounting software and business intelligence software in-depth.

What is Operations Management Software?

It is a vertical business management software application. Essentially it is focused on specific business processes and types of businesses vs. “horizontal applications” that apply to all businesses.

The software helps automate the day to day operations of the business. It helps plan and execute the businesses core and critical activities to manage products or services and generate revenue and expenses.

Pros and cons

Pros: Because of the critical nature of the business activities that are managed by these systems, strong benefits are possible for a business. Well-designed software that is properly implemented will help increase productivity, optimize your investment in operating assets (such as equipment and inventory), and provide a strong return on investment (ROI).

Cons: Businesses that are highly dependent on operations management software are exposed to the damage that can result from business interruption, loss of business or increased expense caused by ineffective systems, poor implementation, system malfunction or outright breakdown.

Many operations management software solutions cater to broad business functions, such as Retail Point of Sale, Manufacturing, Distribution and Warehouse Management, Field Service management, Job and Project Management, and Time and Billing.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of businesses that excel when using operations management software:

High volume distributors with multiple warehouses and shipping methods –These businesses require a very high degree of accuracy and quick turnaround in moving products through receiving, put away, picking and shipping. They also need tight integration to sales order processing, purchasing activities and shipping services, along with sophisticated inventory control systems to optimize supply chain management. They also use EDI systems when selling to large retail store customers. Operations Management Software helps these businesses achieve their operational requirements.

Business to business (B2B) distributors that have extensive route delivery systems common in the food and beverages industries -  These businesses need to ensure accuracy in shipping the right product to the customer at the right time. Operations management software helps these businesses manage the sales order, delivery and invoicing cycle. Hand held computing devices such as smart phones, tablets, card swiping devices and printers allow for greater sophistication for these types of systems.

Hospitality organizations such as hotels and resorts – These organizations need operations management software to manage guest booking, registration, billing and payments for rooms, events, services and related facilities, as well as staffing and maintenance. They are usually multi-location, and need sophisticated inter-company transactions, cash management, financial reporting tools and online registration.

Operations management software is available for all of the operational requirements mentioned in this blog article.

Are you interested in using business software to further optimizing your business processes? Please contact Front Line Systems at www.flsinc.net to get started today.

About Front Line Systems

Front Line Systems is an ERP Consulting Firm with headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are passionate about helping businesses solve their accounting, CRM, manufacturing and warehouse concerns. We believe that your business has an amazing capacity for innovation and growth, and that technology can help you realize that capacity.
Front Line Systems is a technology partner that solves problems and creates solutions for the life of your business.

We provide business software implementation, support and consulting services in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Connecticut (New England). We serve clients across the US. Contact Front Line Systems at 866-435-0243 or visit us online at www.flsinc.net. We look forward to serving you.

A version of this article is posted here: 



Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net by KROMKRATHOG

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