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Microsoft Dynamics SL Consultant Tip: 3 Benefits of Multi-Company

Microsoft Dynamics SL Consultant Tip: 3 Benefits of Multi-Company

Microsoft Dynamics SL multicompanyMicrosoft Dynamics SL Multi-Company Consultant Tip: Multi-Company Benefits

Microsoft Dynamics SL helps growing companies by helping solve evolving problems with innovative solutions. In the long-term, Microsoft Dynamics SL will easily adapt along with your business with a broad offering of enhancements developed by independent software vendors (ISV’s), other line-of-business applications, and the robust Microsoft technology. you already use in your organization. Microsoft Dynamics SL is well-equipped with comprehensive out-of-the-box features and quick, customizable options to get you up and running fast and in a cost-effective manner.

The powerful financial management capabilities in the Multi-Company module that can meet the unique needs of your organization. Easy to learn and effective in use, Microsoft Dynamics SL works with the technology systems you already use to deliver long-term value without a complex implementation that runs over budget and past deadlines.

Microsoft Dynamics SL Consultant Tip – Benefits of Multi-Company

  • Configuration Flexibility - Configure Microsoft Dynamics SL Multi-Company to operate with several companies in a single database, multiple databases, or both. Bring your businesses together — whether centralized or decentralized and geographically disbursed — while automating time-consuming and error-prone tasks.
  • Seamless Transactions - Process transactions seamlessly by creating due-from/due-to entries automatically to keep your intercompany transactions in balance. Companies in separate databases and locations can easily transfer intercompany general ledger transactions from one location to another so that accounting entries are applied to the correct company file, while ensuring balanced sets of books.
  • Centralize Cash Control - Assemble accounting and reporting into a single location or company and apply payments, write checks, or take requisitions for subsidiary companies. This helps reduce duplicate efforts and training from location to location.  It also maintains the inter-company balances between the subsidiary and the central companies for full reporting and tracking at the transaction level.

Dynamics SL Multi Company

If your business is outgrowing your current system, we are happy to help with your evaluation.

Contact us at Accountnet to learn more.

Microsoft Dynamics SL is popular because it’s easy to learn and use. Microsoft Dynamics SL draws from over 20 years of development which evolved from customer feedback. It’s a modern business management solution that works with the systems you already have to deliver long-term value as your business grows.


As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Accountnet helps companies get up and running with Microsoft Dynamics. We don’t just install and configure the software – we train your accounting staff to use it to create the reports they need, so they can analyze data as needed. Our solutions give both technical and non-technical employees the information they need to do their jobs well — wherever they are, in whatever application they choose to use. Take the next step towards growth with Microsoft Dynamics SL in the cloud or on your servers—the choice is yours. Contact us at Accountnet to learn more at (212) 24-9009.


Another version of this blog was previously published on 10/27/17 -  How Does the Microsoft Dynamics SL Multi-Company Functionality Add Companies Quickly? 

Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net by ddpavumba

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