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Sage CRM Consultant Reviews Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016 - Part 2

Sage CRM Consultant Reviews Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016 - Part 2

Sage_CRM_consultant_FLS_part_2.jpgSage CRM Consultant Reviews: Sage CRM vs. Top 5 CRM Trends

In part 1 of this CRM blog series, Sage CRM Consultant Reviews Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016: Part 1, we covered 3 CRM trends in 2016: Content, Geolocation, Service and Customer Support.  Now let’s review the last 2 popular trends: Personalization / Customization and Omni-Channel.

If you are in the market for a new CRM system, we know you will find this blog article useful. 

Sage CRM and 2016’s Top 5 CRM Trends (Continued)

1. Content

2. Geo-Location

3. Service and Customer Experience (see previous blog

4. Personalization and Customization

Companies are determined to know more about their customers, and they use that information to “talk, engage and interact with their customers more often and more meaningfully in new and innovative ways (including mobile, dynamic content, apps, blogs, social). Static web sites are no longer enough, they need to be social, inspirational and personal.”

How is Sage CRM making personalization and customization more effective for your business? With Sage CRM you can:

• Send targeted campaigns to customers and prospects.
• Use drip marketing capabilities with Sage CRM marketing automation to communicate with your clients and prospects.
• Review email metrics and revise your campaign as needed.
• View and manage your Twitter feeds (post or reply to a tweet) from within CRM.
• Gain better customer insights from Facebook without leaving Sage CRM.
• If Sage CRM is integrated with your Sage ERP, your marketing team can access more information on your customer base and promote products that match your customers’ buying history.

Discover the personalization and customization abilities of Sage CRM further.

5. Omni-channel

Omni-channel refers to a business model that spans across several channels (physical locations, FAQ web pages, social media, live web chats, mobile apps and telephone communication) to advance the customer experience.

“Companies that understand that the brand’s offline dynamism needs to be recreated online…will be the companies that survive and prosper.”

How is Sage CRM helping businesses develop a well-rounded omni-channel presence online?

• With its strong social CRM capabilities, Sage CRM allows you to build customer retention and gain customer insight.
• By making your daily social media activity an integrated part of a CRM system, you can enable your sales, marketing, and customer service teams to become more customer-centric and communications focused. You can also begin to unlock market insight that drives a competitive advantage.

Sage CRM proves to be a strong player

ISM Inc., Customer-Centric Strategic Advisors recently selected Sage CRM 7.3/Sage CRM Cloud as a Top 15 CRM Small and Medium Business Software Award winner for 2015/16. Sage CRM also won the InfoTech Vendor Landscape award for best overall value. After reviewing the CRM trends for 2016, and seeing the industry recognition for Sage CRM, we believe that Sage CRM is a strong player in the CRM market.

Get Started

How are you using CRM at your business? Contact Front Line Systems to discuss how you can improve your existing CRM business processes. Schedule your Sage CRM demo here. Contact Front Line Systems at 866-435-0243. We look forward to talking to you.

Download blog article: How Does Sage CRM Perform Against Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016

About Front Line Systems

Front Line Systems is an ERP Consulting Firm with its headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are dedicated to helping businesses solve their accounting, CRM, manufacturing and warehouse concerns. We believe that your business has an amazing capacity for innovation and growth, and that technology can help you realize that capacity.

Front Line Systems is a technology partner that solves problems and creates solutions for the life of your business. We provide CRM software implementation, support and consulting services in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Connecticut (New England) and serve clients across the US. Contact Front Line Systems at 866-435-0243 or visit us online at www.flsinc.net. We look forward to serving you.

Another version of this blog was published on Front Line Systems Blog on 7/13/16 - How Does Sage CRM Software Perform Against the Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016?

Article Sources: SageCRM.com and CRMTrends.com

Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net by Stuart Miles 

Sage CRM Consultant Reviews Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016 Part 1

Sage CRM Consultant Reviews Top 5 CRM Trends for 2016 Part 1

Sage CRM Consultant Reviews 5 CRM Trends in 2016 As Sage CRM consultants, our CRM experts talk to many businesses who are considering Sage CRM among...

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