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Acumatica ERP eCommerce: 7 Dos and Don'ts

Acumatica ERP eCommerce: 7 Dos and Don'ts

Acumatica ERP eCommerce for Improved Customer Experience and Automated Back Office

It’s critical you choose the right eCommerce platform and ERP software from your countless platform options. The platform you ultimately choose should be built for B2C and B2B commerce. It should also be a true cloud distribution and/or manufacturing ERP and be able to accommodate (and seamlessly integrate) your website and back-office requirements. In this blog, we list the 7 Do's and Don'ts to watch out for when it's time to replace your software with Acumatica ERP eCommerce.

5 Acumatica ERP eCommerce Do's and Don'ts 

#1 Ease of Use

DO: Make checkout simple. You'll decrease cart abandonment with an intuitive checkout.

DON'T: Forget that your vendors and business partners are consumers, too. They are used to seamless and highly intelligent checkout experiences and often demand it of their B2B shopping now as well.

#2 Know Your Audience

DO: Make sure you optimize for the device type your shoppers use most. In most cases, half of all buyers use a mobile device while researching a product.

DON'T: Speak just to the C-level approvers. A lot of the time, your audience is a junior staffer tasked with performing the research and creating a shortlist of suppliers. Make sure to speak their language, too.

#3 Get Found

DO: Optimize your Website and products so you are found by search engines. It's important to provide blogs, how-to articles, and other content that your prospects, and search engines, will find authoritative.

DON'T: Focus on yourself. Most of your prospective customers start their journey by asking a search engine about their problem, not for your company name, so make sure your content answers the questions they're searching for.

#4 It's a Journey

DO: Share your implementation plans and get employee buy-in. Consulting your Sales and Fulfillment teams ahead of time will mitigate costly resistance to adoption later.

DON'T: Avoid taking on too much at one time. A phased approach to rolling out new software and technology minimizes internal disruption.

#5 Security

DO: Make security your top priority with the improved internal controls. Let your system just keep running. There are four updates a year that ensure your Acumatica system is always up to date.

DON'T: Forget the amazing savings and ROI you will have with this comparatively minor investment. 

#6  Transparency

DO: Show your customers their negotiated prices once they log in. This will give them the confidence they are getting a good deal when buying from you.

DON'T: Avoid the temptation to hide wholesale pricing. Actually, it's best for your first-time visitors to see the benefits of your wholesale pricing so they'll want to sign up.

#7 Feeling the Value

DO: Update your customers on status updates, shipping, inventory, promotions, new products, and more. This will go a long way for customer service and the feeling of getting the most value of doing business with your company. A little extra communication goes a long way. 

DON'T: Short how-to/tips and tricks videos are an excellent way to ensure customer retention. Product demos and how-to videos keep your customers coming back to your site. Capture these visitors with a "subscribe now" option to capture visitors, gain a following and market to them in the future. Your "subscribe now" call-to-action should be short and sweet. Get their name, email and phone number for now and you get more information later as you cultivate the relationship.  

Supercharge Your Back-Office with Elysian-Cloud

Your business has the potential to be an eCommerce machine but it's essential to select an eCommerce ERP that meets the criteria for success. At Elysian-Cloud, we specialize in the needs of eCommerce and Retail businesses and help guide you to the solution that will supercharge your front and back office.

The Acumatica eCommerce edition helps online businesses gain more control over orders and fulfillment, get full visibility into their performance, simplify workflows, reduce manual-entry errors, enable easy returns and exchanges, and give your shoppers real-time order tracking. Our team is available to answer your questions and provide a personal demonstration. Connect with us to see what Acumatica’s eCommerce edition can do for your business.

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