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From Insight to Action: Equip Your Team with Analytics for Acumatica

From Insight to Action: Equip Your Team with Analytics for Acumatica

Make the Most of Your Data with Analytics for Acumatica

The real value of analytics powered by advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning from UBIX is in the actions taken based on meaningful insights. Analytics enables real-time visibility into historical and future trends - something which used to take a team weeks to build in Excel. Sadly, it’s often in connecting the dots between the insights and the actions where business leaders fail to realize the full potential of their analytics solution. What can you do to ensure your leaders can take proper action on their insights from data?

See Beyond the Data for the Bigger Picture

More companies than ever are adopting solutions with the goal of providing insights on what to do and where to move the needle to prevent losses or take advantage of emerging opportunities. Very often though, the way the data model or reporting was built during implementation doesn’t tell the whole story and opportunities are still missed. 

In fact, McKinsey reported on this issue recently in an article entitled “Five Insights About Harnessing Data and AI from Leaders at the Frontier.” In the article, a key takeaway recommends that you involve your domain experts early because they have the ability to interpret data due to their front-line business and customer knowledge. 

Acumatica Analytics Automation Informed by Your Leaders

The team at UBIX understands and values this very important, symbiotic partnership between your internal domain experts and the implementation team for your project. As McKinsey stated in the article, to be most effective, it’s critical for your analytics to be informed by those closest to the business problem you’re trying to solve.

For example, your data may tell you that few of your customers use email to engage with your company for service. But if you know that the majority of your customers are in a region where email isn’t used that much, you may take different actions on that data. As well, your internal experts may see that credit card payments are trending downward, but when you factor in that you’re expanding in countries where credit card usage is typically low, you wouldn’t be as likely to overreact.

Provide Real Insights for Real Results

UBIX makes it easy to evolve into a self-serve culture of business analysis with the proper tools. Specifically built as a single platform for problem solving, UBIX enables your data analytics solution to be deployed quickly. Automated workflows help manage the end-end AI lifecycle. You get continuous delivery of timely, reliable foresight so you can take intelligent action. UBIX helps you solve complex problems with less reliance on data science experts.

AI and Predictive AnalyticsGetting Started Is Easy

Contact the AI and predictive analytics experts at UBIX to move your analytic transformation forward. We help you solve specific analytics business problems quickly and cost-effectively.

Contact us at 949-482-8540 today!

UBIX is a data science platform designed to allow business users and subject matter experts to solve complex analytic problems without relying on data scientists. UBIX manages the complete AI lifecycle by automating and scaling all the key tasks across the end-to-end data and analytics pipeline. We help enable Acumatica ERP users of all skill levels to contribute to the development of AI applications at scale. 

UBIX can be found on ERPVAR's website here - AI and predictive analytics and Acumatica Cloud ERP integration.

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