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CRM Software Comparison: 3 Tips to Find the Best CRM Software for You

CRM Software Comparison: 3 Tips to Find the Best CRM Software for You

CRM software comparisonIf you are in the market for a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software system, it starts with researching options to make an informative decision with a CRM software comparison. Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes to help find the CRM software that is the best fit for your unique business requirements. Many studies have been conducted over the years on CRM implementation failures. The studies consistently find that an average as high as 50% of CRM implementations failed to meet expectations in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. Some major factors in successfully implementing CRM software is adoption and integration. 

There are many resources that can help you with your CRM evaluation. Here's an example of a popular blog previously written by Chloe Larnarch with Faye Business Systems Group for QuickBooks customers who want to make a CRM software comparison between Method and SugarCRM. There are many more CRM comparisons in our blog series. Researching options online can be very helpful and also very misleading and confusing. Before you waste your time and your money making an investment in CRM software that you regret later, here are some suggestions on how to make an informed decision. First of all, keep in mind that a CRM software implementation is nothing without adopting a CRM strategy company wide and top down. CRM software is the tool to implement the CRM strategy. 

3 Tips to Making an Informed CRM Software Comparison and Selection: 

  1. List your CRM Requirements, Prioritize and Balance with Your Budget:  As with any software selection process, first, your success will greatly improve if you survey all stakeholders (users of the software) for a wish list. This is a good time to find out what they do and don't like about the current software systems they use to accomplish their daily tasks. Ask about what they would like to see in a CRM system to help them work more efficiently. Without much effort, you are building a list of things that may or may not be required in your future CRM system. Now you have a list of requests and requirements that can be prioritized and compared with features available in a few CRM systems you compare. It's best to prioritize your list and balance it with your budget. Consider being a little flexible with what you plan to spend on your CRM software. The best CRM for your business may mean that you end up spending a little more than originally planned. This is not a time to cut corners,  consider CRM a necessary investment intended to save you money and help you make money. Don't make the mistake to get too caught up in the initial cost of the software. Instead, focus more on the expected ROI it will bring. Again, the purpose of CRM software is to help your employees be more productive and to help your company be competitive, grow and maintain your customer base by providing excellent customer service and support and have more visibility on the activities and performance of the marketing and sales efforts. When your CRM provides you with the data you need to better manage your business, you are more informed to make the appropriate changes in your business to continue to grow in the future.      

  2. CRM Consultants are Available to Help with your CRM Software Comparison:  In your search for the best CRM system for you, take time to find an experienced CRM consultant that will help you with your CRM comparison and evaluation. CRM consultants are often also the same group of consultants that may already help your business with your ERP system or your accounting software. Be sure to check in with your ERP consulting firm to see if they have recommendations for a CRM system that's right for you. If they know your business well, they will definately have some opinions to share. Most quality CRM consulants and CRM resellers have years and years of direct experience in working with other clients that have made the transition to the CRM systems they support and sell. You can certainly talk to the CRM publishers of the CRM software for references just expect them to be a little biased. Keep in mind, just because a feature you are looking for shows up on a checklist, it may not have the full functionality you need. A CRM consultant has a vested interest in helping you find the best fit. They will quickly be able to figure out if the CRM system they sell and support is the right fit for you by reviewing your requirements.

  3. Integration is the Key to Adoption and Success:  The purpose of investing in a CRM system is to help your employees be more productive and help your business grow. In our blog previously posted, we outline 9 critical integration points that a CRM software comparison should weigh out. If a CRM system is too hard to manage or creates extra work, your employees will resist using it effectively.

Successful CRM adoption is not just about tracking sales activity and is not confined to the sales department. There are many ways to accomplish CRM and ERP system integration. In order for CRM adoption to be successful, these integration points should be considered. There are many CRM and ERP options out there and not every option has key integration. For this reason, it is often a good idea to consult your trusted ERP consultant or ERP VAR who works with you to support your ERP or accounting system. If you work with an experienced ERP specialist who knows about CRM options, this often goes a long way to finding the right tools that are a best fit for your business. Many ERP consultants specialize in CRM and system integration! 

www.ERPVAR.com is a site where businesses who seek expert advice from certified ERP and CRM consultants can get an unbiased and objective view on the next best steps to take for their business. Let the team at ERP VAR help you with a free needs assessment and an introduction to a qualified and experienced ERP and CRM professional today!  

Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

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