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SYSPRO ERP Consultant Tips: Mobile Devices and Company Security Risks

SYSPRO ERP Consultant Tips: Mobile Devices and Company Security Risks

SYSPRO ERP Consultant Reviews: Securing Company Data - Avoid the Risks with Personal Devices

Traverse ERP consultant IndianaIn today’s mobile and connected workplace, it is common for company data to step out of the office. As SYSPRO ERP consultants we have plenty of discussion with our customers about data security and the risks. So how do you make sure your company data is secure when more and more of it is accessed through the internet?

Let’s first break it down by 2 categories of data that can be used outside the office. You have data that is accessed 1) with “Internet” and 2) with “No Internet.” With internet access, data is typically real-time and synchronized with company databases. With no internet access, this is typically data that is stored on a device like a phone or laptop when there is not access to the internet then synchronized with company systems once internet access to the company server is restored. “No Internet” assumes you aren’t connecting through your phone provider’s data connection, nor through public Wi-Fi. Connecting to the Internet through your phone provider’s data service is slightly safer than via public Wi-Fi, however, anytime you’re connected to the Internet Section 1 below (Internet Access) should be observed.

Internet / No Internet Data

1. Internet Access

  • Beware of Free Wi-Fi access, but when essential, ensure you have up to date Anti-virus software for your laptop and you’ve had an IT professional configure your device’s firewall.
  • Minimize your activities on “the web” by using only those Apps or software programs you already have installed. Only download new apps which you’ve cleared through your IT department. (After all, this is a WORK machine, right?)
  • Again, if you aren’t using it, turn off your Bluetooth. This is an easy access point for hackers.
  • Rather than using a normal browser, use an app such as Trend Micro’s SafeSurfing. It screens the browser session through Trend Micro’s own security servers to protect against bad websites.

2. No Internet

  • If you don’t need Internet access, turn off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. They drain your battery when they aren’t needed & “shuts the door” on outside influences.
  • Have expertly installed & configured Anti-virus software installed on your laptop, such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
  • If accepting documents or other files, ensure you recognize the sender and you were expecting the attachments.If the attachment has the extension, “ZIP” confirm with the sender he intended to send you a Zip file as these are commonly used by virus makers to hide programs.

Additionally, all mobile devices which contain work material (email or documents) should be secured with a password or passcode. We’ve all heard the stories of lost or stolen phones, tablets & laptops with sensitive data on it, and that’s only the government’s devices we’ve read about.

Lastly, ask your IT department to check out anything suspicious you accept it or click “OK.” It will take them about a minute to confirm if it is harmless. The alternative could take hours to clean or worse.

Complete Programmed Accounting, Inc. (CPA, Inc.), was founded  in 1992 with the following mission statement: “The ability to take advantage of the power of timely information lies in the successful implementation of complete, appropriately configured and properly installed financial and management computer systems.”

Complete Programmed Accounting is an ERP & CRM Integration Specialist in the central Indiana area with over 20 years of experience supporting SYSPRO ERP, SYSPRO CRM, TRAVERSE ERP, TRAVERSE CRM, Platinum for DOS, and Platinum for Windows, where your support is our service.

Contact Completed Programmed Accounting at: (317) 290-8702.  Email:  sales@cpa-inc.com. The Complete Programmed Accounting Web site is located at:  www.cpa-inc.com

Follow Complete Programmed Accounting, Inc. on:

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Another version of this blog was previously posted on September 21, 2014 on CPA, Inc’s BLOG site:  Personal tablets and laptops pose a system threat to our IT infrastructure. How can we keep it secure from outside threats

Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

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