1 min read

Increase Cash Flow with Sage Enterprise Intelligence

Increase Cash Flow with Sage Enterprise Intelligence

Satellite Industries, Inc. had challenges with a time-consuming and difficult financial reporting process, but with a quick implementation of Sage Enterprise Intelligence for their Sage X3,the improvement has been nothing less than extraordinary. 

The Problem:

15 Reporting across multiple locations and countries was long and complex which would extend the month end closing process to over 15 days. They also wanted to lower their customers amount of days to pay

The Solution:

Sage Enterprise Intelligence! By implementing this robust tool, the company was able to access real-time, actionable data from its Sage ERP X3 solution.

Final Results:

Month-end closing procedures cut by several days. Customers days to pay slashed by 18 days. Access to current data speeds and facilitates strategic decision making.

Read the entire case study here!

Contacts us to learn more about Sage Enterprise Intelligence for Sage X3.

How Sage Enterprise Intelligence boosts cash flow for Satellite Industries by Chris Williamson

About the Author

Chris Williamson

More posts by Chris Williamson


See more at: http://www.nextecgroup.com/blog/sei-for-satellite-industries/#sthash.pTfsqBHW.dpuf

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