ERP Consultant Blog

Shandra Locken

EDI mapping

2 min read

Five Considerations for EDI Mapping: Are you Ready?

When I sell traditional EDI translation software, one of the first questions I have is, "Do you want to do the EDI mapping or do you want us to handle that?" And then I hear crickets. The problem is that most people do not have the answer because...

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 Integration Software

2 min read

Is Your Integration Software Nearing its Sell-By Date?

Is your EDI integration software no longer supported? Has your EDI system been "MacGyvered" so many times, you can't tell where the duct tape begins...

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1 min read

6 Reasons to Use a VAR for Data Integration Solutions

When I speak to new prospects I often get the question, "Why should I use a reseller?" Well, glad you asked. Here are six great reasons to use a...

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2 min read

What do Taxes and EDI have in Common?

Guest blog for GraceBlood LLC by Nathan Camp of Liaison Technologies. Photo appears courtesy of Simon Cunningham. April 15th...a day of stress and...

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1 min read

What is the UCC GS1-128 Carton Label?

In many, if not most, supply chain EDI relationships, one of the required documents is the Advance Ship Notice. The EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice is...

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1 min read

10 Benefits of EDI Implementation

There are many benefits associated with implementing EDI. Of course, the biggest incentive for doing EDI quite often is that you have a potential...

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1 min read

Does EDI Outsourcing Make Sense for My Business?

In the almost 6 years that I have been in this industry, I have seen outsourcing become trendy and then fall out of fashion. Lately, I have had some...

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1 min read

Review of "From EDI to Electronic Commerce: A Business Initiative"

In looking for EDI resources to recommend to our clients, I came across this gem by Phyllis K. Sokol. EDI books can be dry and unattractive, but not...

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1 min read

'Twas the Night Before Christmas: An EDI Fairytale

Photo appears courtesy of kyphone. This week we thought it would be fun to contribute a little EDI humor and bring you our take on 'Twas the Night...

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2 min read

5 Reasons to be Grateful for EDI Integration

This is the time of year, before the holiday madness begins, that we can reflect on what we're grateful for. This is what Thanksgiving is all about....

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