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ERP Software: 6 Reasons SMEs Move to the Cloud

ERP Software: 6 Reasons SMEs Move to the Cloud

Why Move Your ERP Software to the Cloud?ERP software the cloud

As a Small and Midsize Enterprise (SME), you know the importance of leveraging your limited resources when it comes to winning business over your larger competition. The more your operations are lean and mean, the more you can get the most out of your budget. Investing in cloud accounting software or cloud ERP software is one way to rise up to the competitive market demands without exceeding your limited budget. SMEs need to be flexible in a competitive environment; many are turning to the Cloud for their ERP software and IT solutions. Here are 6 reasons why: 

6 Benefits of Cloud ERP Software 

1. Capital Expenditure
One of the best things about the Cloud is the minimal upfront investment. When you are trying to manage your capital so that you have the ability to buy more products or invest in your business, you don’t want to tie it all up in an initial software and server purchase. Outsourcing your IT to the Cloud also minimizes the workload on your IT personnel allowing them to focus on the needs of the office. Paying for your IT on a monthly basis allows you greater focus on growth and competition while reserving your cash.

2. Quality Solutions
As a SME you don’t have the same budget as your competition, but that will not keep you from having the ability to purchase the same quality business solution. At I-Business Network we have specifically designed an SAP Business One Cloud solution that gives you the computing power of SAP, the continued R&D investment by SAP, and an out of the box solution that is affordable, flexible, and will grow with your business.

3. Ability to Compete
With solutions like SAP Business One Cloud, your ability to access business analytics, track inventory, access reports, and automate business processes is the same as the big dogs. Cloud solutions offer flexibility on site with customers to determine inventory, pricing, shipping, customer service, proposals, sales, and closing. Everything you need to compete is now at your fingertips.

4. Versatility
The Cloud has the ability to morph and change with the tides of your business. Do you have seasonal demand and the need to add and delete users as seasonal sales demands change? Or perhaps you know you will be growing and will need to add users at intervals throughout the year? Whatever the reason, your Cloud provider should have the flexibility to respond to add a user, expand your storage and more within a very reasonable timeframe, and often same day for minor changes.

5. Focus on Your Core Business
It’s hard not to notice how much time technology can occupy. Just in your personal life it can become a consuming hobby to keep up with the latest technology for your home, car and personal use. Now apply that to your business and it isn’t hard to see how often your focus will be diverted to technology. As I-BN customer John Traub explained his decision to move to the Cloud, “I-BN is an SAP dedicated hosting provider and it made sense. The bottom line is that I-BN is responsible for the IT, not me, and implementing SAP Business One was stress free.”

6. Keeping Up With Changing Technology
One of the greatest attributes of a SME is its ability to change and try new things in their pursuit of business. The Cloud’s flexibility allows you to try new applications, add-ons and extensions quickly.


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