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ERP Consultant Reviews: NetSuite Implementation Best Practices Part 1

ERP Consultant Reviews: NetSuite Implementation Best Practices Part 1

ERP Consultant NetSuite implementationAs ERP consultants, DSG has adapted the task of implementing, optimizing and supporting ERP software including NetSuite implementations over the 30 years in the business of helping our clients adopt technology. There have been many experiences over the years that were very rewarding because we witnessed how embracing technology helps clients save time and money. DSG and our clients are thrilled to benefit from the learnings behind our implementation methodology. Our DSG "Realize, Revitalize and Optimize" methodologies help companies achieve enterprise-class NetSuite implementations in weeks not years. In this series of blogs we will share some of the best practices that we have developed to accelerate and take the risk out of the NetSuite implementation process.

DSG is a huge believer in taking advantage of technology and best practices.  That’s why we invested in developing the DSG Realize Methodology which is an agile approach to NetSuite implementations.  This approach is based on an iterative, workshop based methodology that gets your subject matter experts and power users involved and bought in from the earliest stages of the implementation process. This process helps increase the rate of ERP adoption which could make or break any great ERP software solution. If the users of the software don't buy into the solution and invest in the process, the implementation will fail because the people refuse to learn and embrace it. 

Unlike many Cloud solution providers, our NetSuite consultants are more than computer science or business administration majors who have been trained on NetSuite. DSG consultants bring an average of 20 years of real-world business experience to a NetSuite implementation project. What’s more, when they encounter a scenario that stretches their knowledge, they have a methodology and team of NetSuite specialists to back them up, as well as a formal process to seek best practice input.

The central importance of people leads many companies to ask “well, shouldn’t these people be onsite?” The answer is “sometimes.” For example, with complex NetSuite implementations, it is essential that the discovery phase of the project is conducted onsite. This enables us to get a first-hand look at your business operations, meet your people, understand their day-to-day challenges and forge personal relationships that will be critical to the follow-on stages of the project.

Most of these follow-on stages (e.g. data conversion, integration and testing) can then be conducted remotely. Why? Because it enables your implementation partner to deploy the best possible resources at each stage of the implementation process. This model works best for both parties. It enables customers to access the best possible resources and it enables the solution provider to have consultants work on multiple projects in parallel. It also has two other significant benefits: first, it minimizes costs for both parties and second, it maximizes staff retention since travel is the #1 reason for staff turnover in the consulting business.

For more information on how DSG can help with your Salesforce or NetSuite implementation or integration project, please contact us at 866.486.4064 or fill out our Contact Form.

Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

A version of this blog was previously postd on: http://www.demandsolutionsgroup.com/netsuite-implementation-best-practices-part-1/

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