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Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce.com: 4 Big Benefits of Switching

Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce.com: 4 Big Benefits of Switching

Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs. Salesforce.com

Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce.comAre you struggling with Salesforce.com and thinking about making a switch? We wanted to share our unique perspective as CRM and ERP consultants who witness what benefits our clients receive when moving off Salesforce.com to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. I also recently had the opportunity and pleasure of attending the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Event in Fargo, N.D. It was a great conference and it really makes me so proud and excited about promoting the Microsoft Dynamics Platforms to help our clients realize the benefits of the products. While on the plane making my way back to Detroit, I had the chance to read an informative whitepaper about the Top 40 CRM Software Vendors by Business-Software.com. I immediately noticed that the vendor matrix provided proved that Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the only software products that is heralded by being fully represented in all ten measurable categories. Microsoft Dynamics CRM clearly stood out from Salesforce.com as the best choice in all the appropriate categories.

In order to better understand how businesses benefit when switching off Salesforce.com to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, I recently polled our experienced and knowledgeable consultants who work closely with our clients. I asked, “Just exactly why are more companies switching from Salesforce.com to Microsoft Dynamics CRM?” The resounding reply was: “The office fluent interface, of course!” There were other reasons that revealed some great benefits when comparing Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs. Salesforce.com. In our experience, here are the 4 biggest reasons why our clients made the switch from Salesforce.com to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

1) Tight Integration to Outlook with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Since most businesses use Microsoft Outlook, our clients say they love the tighter integration between Microsoft CRM and Microsoft Outlook. When a CRM system is easy to use because it has tight integration, this explains the definitive and resounding response about why Microsoft CRM has the strongest user adoption, overall. Most sales and marketing people are already using Microsoft Outlook for the following everyday activities; scheduling appointments, calendaring events, entering new contacts and data. Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform’s seamless integration with Microsoft Outlook makes it the obvious choice for easier usage, less learning curve or training needed, when compared to the less elegant integration Salesforce.com offers. Our clients who have made the switch from Salesforce to Microsoft Dynamics CRM tell us it’s easier and no extra work is created. Salesforce.com does have an outlook plug-in available but clients say it’s much more clunky and cumbersome to work in. The interface is seamless with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

2) Document Management is Available within Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Salesforce.com falls short by not providing the incredibly robust document management tool that Microsoft’s CRM native integration with SharePoint provides. You have the opportunity to store much more data and documentation within the product, and it’s a swift way to maximize your investment with SharePoint.

3) Microsoft Dynamics CRM is More Flexible

Another great reason why clients make the switch is that Microsoft Dynamics CRM fits your needs and offers powerful flexibility. Either using the on-premise platform or in the cloud; the clients distinguish what model works best and then have the ability to switch when needs change. A tremendous feature when comparin Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs. Salesforce.com that Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to work with offline data without internet access which provides maximum productivity while offline or travelling.

4) No Hidden Costs with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Finally, I would like to mention that there are absolutely no hidden costs with Microsoft Dynamics CRM as there are with Salesforce.com. The “one price for all functionality” delivers an exceptional value and includes reports and graphs. You can run Microsoft Dynamice CRM right from Microsoft Outlook. The Service Level Agreement is also an added bonus.

Do you want to enrich your company and make your business life easier? Contact The TM Group today for more information at email:  jennifers@tmgroupinc.com or visit our website: www.tmgroupinc.com. To read more, please download this informative paper: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online vs. SalesForce.com at: http://dynamicsuniversity.com/magazine.

By Jennifer Swiderski, The TM Group, Michigan Microsoft Dynamics CRM Partner


Image compliments of www.freedigitalphotos.net

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