MRO Software Blog

Clients First’s Extended Project Manager (EPM) Quick Create feature enables users to quickly enter data and makes it easier to train users on your new software.  Quick create is a simple form where the user can enter data to produce contracts, estimates, invoice and projects. 

The Quick Create Feature

The Quick Create Feature includes pre-configured templates that can be put into place to ensure that users enter data correctly into the system.  After an estimate or project is created the sales people can enter customer specific details.  A key benefit of Quick Create is that the user has the ability to quickly add details or add new work to a project. 

MRO software

For example, the user provides an estimate for a repair to a customer, and the customer agrees to move forward.  After an inspection of the equipment is done, the technician realizes the scope of work will have to change for the repair to be completed.  This is where the Quick Create solution comes into play.  The user will not have to create an entirely new estimate or new work order. Instead, the user can add the additional parts and/or labor to the Service Profile, and the requirements will automatically be taken care of. 

Increase Production with Quick Create

The same can be applied if the customer adds additional work to the project.  The user can simply click the Quick button and select the Adder button instead of New.  This will easily add the new work requested by the customer to the original project that was agreed on, without having to duplicate or create a completely new work order. 

Simply put, the Quick Create is one of the  great features of the Extended Project Manager (EPM) module that Clients First Texas team has created to better serve the MRO industry, and will help you better serve your customers and increase probability and production.